November 09, 2017 1 Comment
As a tensiometer maker, there is no such thing as "too precise." In that quest, we're constantly improving various elements of our design and process.
The past year has brought better calibration fixtures, instruments, and insight. So here is a new chart that applies to all dial tensiometers and digital models including Mitutoyo and IPIC.
The first Wheel Fanatyk design (known as "Original") does not share this new chart; neither do similar models such as those by FSA and Avocet.
The tension visualizer utility by SpokeService has been updated to show these new calibrations. Most importantly, we have better precision throughout the range of spokes and tensions. We've also added 1.65mm spokes, made popular by Sapim's D-light.
Download a pdf copy of the chart here. Enjoy precision!
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November 02, 2021
Wheel Fanatyk is to me like a portal to the cutting edge frontier always with the latest in Wheel Build Science and Innovation and makes possible for anyone access to knowledge, equipment, tooling and process know-how at those levels.
New for me at “Bicycle Hobbyist Chronicles”, these are exciting times and My learning about and Experimenting with, wheel build metrics, tensioning process logic and new fixture design is motivating innovation into my hobbyist environment involving my new notion of “Real-time Tension displayed on par with Lateral/Radial,instrumentation styled similar to P&K Lie” 250.
P&K Lie’s ”minimize at once lateral and radial” nipple adjust logic represents P&K Lie innovation, and uncanny intuition that for me represents the leading edge and as it turns out it has motivation for me in my hobby to experiment With notions integrating “real-time-tension-display” to a next higher dimension “real-time-tension-display” logic extending P&K concepts from two dimension logic th the next higher logical destination point.
At my hobbyist level this is incrementally improving my process-knowhow, genera knowledge, tooling, equipment and innovative new fixture designs and experimental setups.
To that end
What is new is, my Mitutoyo Digital Wheel Fanatyk Tensiometer positioning and compression are now not manual any more, but functions of my new experimental exoskeleton style hand being under programatic control from my Windows 10 PC using Wolfram Mathematica.
Bicycle Hobbyist Chronicles
John Soper