

Have you noticed that nearly every shipment from us comes with a postcard? One side is an interesting image. The backs are logo's of products we carry. They're sent randomly but you can specify which one you get by including a note during checkout.

You can also order additional copies at 50¢. Each is 5.5" x 4.25", printed on FSC and recycled paper. Corners are radiused. Please note they are not true postcards, as the backs don't provide a place for a stamp or address.

Cockwise, from the top left (first group), left to right (second pair).

Coppi—Fausto, the biggest presence in all of Italian cycling. Photo origin is unknown, but a few years back someone claiming extensive Coppi image expertise told me they had never seen this one.

Wheel Guy—taken from Bicycle Repairing (S.D.V. Burr, 1896). In the book, the caption is "Fig 1. Assembling a wheel."

Wheel Stand—Don't try this alone!

Still Life—a soothing assemblage of old time tools and bits, described here.

Thank You—image by Jennifer Jerde for Wheelsmith about 1993.

True Hand—image of my hand by Max Ralph for a bike mechanics group in 2018.

Mechanic Angel—found in a USA Cycling promo brochure from the 1990's.

Spoke Fan—how we hold spokes when it's hot out. No, it's when we lace wheels.

Spoke Cup—our venerable pint cup, full of IPA, somewhere in Seattle.



Collections: Useful Bits