March 22—we have sold all machines available. The next shipment comes by air, recently completed units in Japan. Unfortunately, we must wait until April 2 to see what new tariffs will apply. If you place an order, we will be glad to refund if the tariffs are unmanageable. In that case, we'll need another strategy.
The Morizumi spoke cutting and threading (SCT) machine comes complete, over 600 are in worldwide use, and they crank out thousands of custom length spokes each day. Join this happy community of spoke makers.
The most recent features are a digital readout and a digital counter. These sell for $310 for retrofit to any machine and are standard on new SCT's which are now $200 more. No more mistakes when it comes to spoke length, maintenance, and die wear. These are huge advances in function and accuracy and are highly recommended!
We believe no other spoke machine rivals the tool by Morizumi Masakazu—designed by a perfectionist with a career of spoke manufacturing experience. Mr Morizumi learned his trade at Asahi Spoke in Japan (partner of Wheelsmith for 25yrs). The design offers features not available in other machines (no others were designed by a spoke maker)—created for high output and compact for a workshop. Users enjoy near 100% satisfaction, exceptional quality, and superb finish. Please visit the articles in our library about this unique tool. To download the current Operation Manual, click here. A quick video tour is here.
It takes about one week to ship a machine as each is built to order.
Each SCT ships with seven accessories (available separately):
Collections: Threading