Tension data can be outputted to a computer by typing each reading into the Islandix tension utility or with a dedicated cable system. For our Digital tensiometer, order the Digital foot pedal system (500-1114). This is our most popular model.
Foot pedal systems consist of 3 parts:Our Digimatic (Mitutoyo) suits those needing compatibility with Islandix products.
The Mitutoyo-equipped gauge uses the Digmatic output system (500-1113)—consisting of 3 parts as described above. Both cables from the output systems are available separately. These connect the gauges to the data boxes. They aren't interchangeable even though both end in 10 pin connectors.
Lastly, there is a Mitutoyo cable (500-1111) that requires pushing a button at the gauge end for output—awkward compared to a foot pedal but it ends with a USB plug for direct connection to a computer.
These cables are compatible with all computers and with the SpokeService tension utility which supports automatic zeroing. It's easy:
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